What do most Egyptians identify as? Arab? Coptic? Something else?

I was under the impression most Egyptians saw themselves as Arab. But some ppl on twitter said Egyptians tend to reject that identity so I was wondering what most Egyptians consider themselves. And if not Arab then why?

EDIT: to be clear I appreciate you will of course identify as Egyptian but I’m wondering how one may see themselves outside of the nationalist lense. Would Muslims refer to themselves as Copts or is that generally only done by the Christian Coptic community (acknowledging that of course both groups share the same ethnicity regardless).

Apologies I don’t mean to offend I’m just curious because I’ve heard from one Egyptian that is adamant the majority identify as Coptic and you’re taught in school that Coptic = Egyptian = مسري

I was under the impression that while yes most are Coptic in terms of origin, nowadays Coptic really just refers to the Christians and that the socially accepted definition essentially changed to reflect that. At least that has been my experience with Egyptians. I mean even academically I only Coptic referring to Christians unless they’re REALLY going back in time. Of course you’re not a monolith but wanted to ask the wider community for thoughts :)