It’s Finally Happening
So for some context I am a current MT who’s been at enterprise for ~7 months. My Flagship has been 7 months of hell for me, dealing with working from 7-7 almost everyday. Being completely understaffed. People making reservations and we end up not having the cars they booked for and the MTs getting yelled at by customers for it. Also not having enough detailers which means MTs have to rotate washing cars. (You know the usual)… But I have finally found another job and I am quitting towards the end of the month. I have never been happier. This was my first job out of college and it was a mistake. I finally have a positive outlook on life and I no longer dread waking up and going to work everyday. But I do have some questions regarding quitting. I know that if I put in my 2 weeks I’m likely to get fired on the spot, so does anyone know if they are going to pay out my choicetime/ PTO?