Dog might have nightmares as a trigger? Could be imagining things.
Hey y'all. I posted a while back about my dog suddenly getting seizures and my of vet advising me to euthanize because meds weren't very helpful and so they said it was probably cancer or something and it wasn't worth dealing with. Yeah what a great woman.
Anyways I didn't listen to that. Took some advice from people on here, found a neurologist a couple hours away. Ended up crowdfunding an MRI and tap even against the advice of some of those same people on here who assured me it was probably just epilepsy. Anyways I was paranoid and I did it. He came back completely clean and healthy and got some meds adjusted.
Unfortunately nothing has helped. His seizures aren't the worst they've been, but they haven't improved enough to notice a real difference. He's had 4 this month, usually a pair in the same day. Last month he had 4. The month before that we didn't see any but found evidence like pee spots that COULD be signs of a seizure but never really saw him collapse etc.
Anyways long story short, I've started trying everything from allergy control to diet changes to CBD. Nothing has really had an effect. After having a log for about a year what I've noticed is that they almost always happen when he's sleeping and it's late at night/early in the morning. He has a brother here that gets a lot of intense dreams, I've seen him wag his tail and run around in them.
At this point I'm starting to wonder if maybe he has stressful nightmares as triggers. Could be just imagining things but I know stress is a trigger and 90% of the time a seizure or cluster starts while he's sleeping and it's late.
I don't really know what the point of this post is, maybe just venting. I mean what would you even do about a dog with nightmares if I am right and how could that defy medicine and stuff. He's on a lot of pills daily and it sucks.
If anyone generally is scared and reading this I guess you can rest assured knowing I've tried a bunch of stuff for my young dog (2.5 years) and he still keeps having seizures, usually 4 a month or less. Not that it's the same as your situation but here's proof it can happen that you try a lot of stuff and nothing has an effect and he's still completely healthy from a brain scan and spinal fluid analysis.