Epson running a scam
I bought Epson ink off of the Epson store on Amazon. The ink worked before the firmware update but now of course it doesn’t. After 20 minutes on hold and several back and forth calls, Epson says that this is Amazons problem and not theirs. That the ink is fake. The whole thing is a circle jerk to get you to pay more money. If a vendor of mine was selling a fake product with my copyrighted name on it I would be going after the vendor to fix the problem. Funny that Epson doesn’t seem to mind- unless they are in on the issue. It’s all about the money. I will be telling every person that I know and every business that I work with not to purchase Epsons. It may not cost them much in the grand scheme of things, but anything I can do to keep people I know from being ripped off.