6 months anniversary!!

Hi everybody, it’s somehow already been 6 months since that horrible day that has changed my life for the better in a way I would have never expected. I’ve been thinking a lot about all these changes I half expected and also didn’t expect at all, so I thought I would put all my observations in a post in hope of helping someone else in this community and also helping myself sort of take stock of what has happened so far. (My stats are: 25F sw: 137kg cw: 96kg gw: 70kg)

  • The first couple months are AWFUL. There’s no way around it. I was miserable, regretted everything, I was starving and ached all over. Everyday feels like it has been going on for forever and time literally stands still. But then, they tell you you can start eating real food that you can chew again and suddenly the dark cloud is lifted and you start to feel awesome.
  • Speaking of hunger, I’ve been hungry since the moment I woke up from surgery. The hunger was actually stronger even than the gas pain. I thought something was deeply wrong with me, I was told by everybody I wouldn’t be hungry anymore after the surgery and a lot of the women that got the surgery with me weren’t hungry at all. I felt crazy. But I feel much better now, I’m happy that I’m hungry because that means I can still eat and enjoy the food I like and I get full sooner and can’t eat that much anyway so as far as I’m concerned the surgery worked.
  • A few quick things: it is very hard to drink enough water during the day when you can’t gulp down a whole bottle in 30 seconds; I basically never throw up but I feel very sick after eating too much; it is hard to shop for clothes when you have so many choices, I almost miss the days I could only choose from one rack in a corner; you will eat the foods you like again and you will enjoy them like you used to, you’ll just eat smaller portions and that’s okay; bending down is so much easier, everything is so much easier; I save so much money on food and groceries.
  • On hair loss and loose skin: I thought these wouldn’t be such big problems for me but it is about the time I’m starting to worry about it. I’m losing a lot of hair and I know it’s normal and it’ll grow back but it is very hard nonetheless. My skin is also pretty elastic so I thought I wouldn’t have a lot of loose skin but it is starting to show already and I still have 20 or so kgs to lose so I hope it doesn’t get much worse, I’d like to avoid additional surgeries.
  • I’ve heard a lot about how people are nicer when you lose weight. I haven’t noticed that at all, maybe I’ve always been surrounded with people that were nice to me anyway (sorry if it sounds condescending, I don’t mean it that way). I was always a big proponent of fat positivity and I still am, so I made sure never to be close to people who are fat phobic, this paid off for me.
  • Some big NSVs I achieved in the past 6 months: NO MORE DIABETES!!! Not even prediabetes, my A1C is 5.5 I’m fully in the clear. I can ride rollercoasters and bikes again, close the seatbelt on the plane fully without an extension, I don’t snore anymore, I fit into regular sizes in most stores, I fit through the subway turnstiles without having to go sideways.
  • I look at myself in the mirror and I really like what I see.
  • My mental health is the biggest improvement for me. I was borderline suicidal before the surgery, but I haven’t been as depressed since. I actually feel very happy, like I wake up in the morning and I’m happy. I’m making some big decisions that I was too scared to make before but I feel ready now to actually fix my life and do something about the problems I have instead of tolerating everything. I don’t take any psych medication anymore (my psychiatrist told me to get off them) and I feel great. I have a normal sleep schedule, I shower regularly, I go to the gym, I walk a lot and I go outside everyday. I’m excited about tomorrow. I know this was a long post, but I just wanted to share how much better my life is thanks to this surgery. I never thought it would be so much better in so many ways. I can’t wait to see how the next 6 months go and to see what the rest of my life will be like, I hope it’s just as great as it has been recently.

Feel free to reply with all your stories!! Love you all and good luck!!!