Wtf is happening to the roads here??
Maybe it’s because some moron crashed into my car a few months ago, but I feel like the drivers here have gotten so bad. I swear every time I’m on the highway there’s always some shitbox Nissan with a broken bumper trying to “swim” through traffic and getting literally within inches of hitting someone else and sometimes causing other drivers to come close to swerving off the road. Just tonight I had seen this worn out Camry flooring it on 400 and almost clipping my rear bumper and taking off just to find his car broken down a few miles later. I’m seeing a different car crash just about every time I get on these roads. Some of the worst areas I’ve seen are on i75, GA400, and around the south Fulton area.
I know there’s been a steady influx of people moving to the metro ATL area, but seriously what the hell is going on with people and why are so many of them choosing to be so reckless? I understand if you have a cheap little car you might not care what happens to your car, but cmon you have to value your life and other peoples lives. Making poor decisions and not being a skilled driver is never worth the risk for trying to get to your destination just a few seconds earlier.
Is it just me or has anyone else noticed an increase in shitty driving? I don’t want to sound old and boring, trust me I love to drive and have a good time doing it, but people seriously need to be more careful and responsible.