Guess I'll try again next update.
Haven't played tabor for about 2 months. I work full-time and have 2 kids, the mf trader grind was incredibly annoying since I only have maybe 5-6 hours a week to game. See new update w leaning, new bag model, new NRS model, etc. Think "why not, maybe with the changes I'll have an easier time getting some of these quests and tasks done"
At bunker, still have some decent kit laying around. Use it or lose it, go in full kit as alpha and all. Load into island... my gun decided it didn't like me anymore and phased from existence. Frag some 12 year old and take his AKM in prison camp. Tried to loot but can't get anything to stay in my mf bag bc there's no collision in bag. Phoenix from the roadblock taking pot shots at me from an entirely unreasonable distance, i go to the shore line to flank... game crash. Reload the raid, see airdrop coming in as I load in. Make a break for it.. game crash a second time. Load raid AGAIN Phoenix are trying to plink me from like 100m away bc I'm out in the open. I turn to take cover before trying for the airdrop again, and get domed from some kid with a SCAR 90m away.
Waste of an hour of my life. Absolutely garbage experience. I want to love this game, it has its fun moments. I can accept bugs, I can accept grind, I can accept the player base becoming a middleschool cod lobby. Not all at once, it's just... tiring. Plz stop f*cking around and get a stable version out that doesn't play like absolute dogwater. See yall in a month or two.