I am endlessly fascinated with space. Star Wars takes that to the next level. I have watched all the movies a ton, and am somewhat obsessed. At the same time, I also love souls gameplay, which is something most sci-if games lack.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is essentially souls-like Star Wars. I think this sounds incredibly intriguing, and would love to play it. Looking at the trailers, it looks really sick, and the way the force is implemented looks hella fun.

I also really want to play it for the story it adds to the franchise. I actually found out about the game during the game awards when the sequel was announced, and my friend recommended me the base game. he told me I had to buy it. Unfortunately, as of my current state, I can’t.

Why can’t I buy it? I simply don’t have the money, even when on sale. I really do want the game though, and seeing as the game’s sale is coming to an end, I figured it would be worth a shot asking here. I would really love to play it, see how good it is with all the hype my friends have been giving it.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you do not want to gift anyone anything, I would recommend plying the game yourself, it looks really cool, from what I’ve seen.

My Xbox gamertag is FlipyTripy

Here is the link: https://xboxgamertag.com/search/FlipyTripy