Current state of GGS 7 months ago highest peak since launch (over 16k), todays lowest peak

So i have been interested in the game for a while, and as far as i know its been like 3rd most popular fightining game for a while, design wise, looks cool, and I heard developers put way more effort into making characters unique and give them (soul) instead focusing more on of quantity of the champions.

I also heard that GGS had its biggest peak since launch 7 months ago and nowdays its in the worst state it ever been, I heard they changed some some core mechanics in some characters wich in resoult made some characters over powered and others totally unplayable, while before balance in this game was on a good level.

And yeah i know there always will be ppl who complain about recent patches, updates, and balance changes, but if the player base falled that much in just 7 months it has to mean something right? Likt developers made some really bad decisions in here? I just asking players, who played this game for longer and shortert time, about the current state of the game, as i planned to buy it, but i just worry, there wont be a lot ppl to fight with soon, if the game is on its downfall, or maybe its just tempomary u think? I played a lot of tekken before, but i do wanted give something else a try so i start research more about this game, and im in mixed state atm, it looks cool, but i cannot really say if some characters are far better and others just unplayable, and if like developers will completly change some characters in future as well.

So i just wonder whats ur opinion, is it hard to find more or less opponents at ur skill level, how fun the game for u is atm, how balanced u fell the champions are, what do u think about future of this game?

also as a side question what FGC is (rule 11)