The “cool girl” problem

Okay this is just MY PERSONAL OPINION

Rewatched the wholes series recently and the conclusion I came up with is that Ted sees Robin as the “cool girl” and never got over it, she drinks scotch, she drinks beer, she likes sports, she likes Star Wars, she eats like a wrestler but still has a size 2 body, all superficial things that only a young nerd would care about and ignore all the red flags like not caring about his job, being emotionally unavailable, not wanting children or marriage when it’s your dream

You know who saw Robin as more than a cool girl? Barney, they actually connected on an emotional level, plus Barney never tried to change Robin as a person, he knew who she was and respected her dreams and aspirations and supported her through and through, they made each other better people, she liked her for who she was, not what he wanted her to be

Okay this is just MY PERSONAL OPINION

Rewatched the wholes series recently and the conclusion I came up with is that Ted sees Robin as the “cool girl” and never got over it, she drinks scotch, she drinks beer, she likes sports, she likes Star Wars, she eats like a wrestler but still has a size 2 body, all superficial things that only a young nerd would care about and ignore all the red flags like not caring about his job, being emotionally unavailable, not wanting children or marriage when it’s your dream

You know who saw Robin as more than a cool girl? Barney, they actually connected on an emotional level, plus Barney never tried to change Robin as a person, he knew who she was and respected her dreams and aspirations and supported her through and through, they made each other better people, she liked her for who she was, not what he wanted her to be