Found out I have HPV 2 days ago...
Throwaway just because I wanted to share and vent I guess.
30 (m) went to the urologist for a checkup since I had some itching on my balls and light pressuring sensation. I've already had surgery for varicocele and a cyst on my right testicle a few years ago hence importance of going for a check up here and there.
He tells me I got some warts which means HPV. Kinda caught me by surprise since I never noticed them. I thought those were regular dick markings or ingrown hairs. He said might as well burn them off now which I agreed. Burned off around 15 which was shocking to me. I suspect a friend I hooked up passed it on to me but she didn't know she had it until after. Doctor said no sex or masturbation for 2 weeks and see how it all heals. Funny enough the area I had warts on apparently isn't covered with a condom (base of the penis). What is more surprising to me is that my dick looked normal so nobody really bat an eye. I like to think that it will be okay. I try to live a healthy lifestyle and don't really get sick often so maybe my immune system will do its job properly.
Anyways I don't really feel down or whatever since I've read a lot about HPV. Sure it sucks having anything but I don't feel like it's affecting my life yet. Will I be more careful in the future? Definitely. Will I disclose it to future partners? I feel like I should since it affects women a lot more than men. I'm just grateful I can still do stuff to keep myself busy and the cause of my original preoccupation turned to be just stress. Doctor said it's common for stress to cause itching since everything (besides the warts) looked and felt normal.
Stay safe out there folks