Am I just anxious? I’m worried about my symptoms but going to the doctor doesn’t really help.

Either my Hashimoto’s isn’t truly under control, I’m having another issue going on, or I’m just anxious. My last appointment I went in because I felt what I thought were hypo symptoms and maybe nodules on my thyroid. Doctor seemed to always say “tenderness” when I would say pain. But he did have my TSH tested, which was 1.8. I had been taking a vitamin with biotin though. I had an ultrasound which just showed moderate Hashimoto’s but nothing concerning.

I do realize over the years I haven’t felt well and I kind of ignored it but maybe it isn’t normal. Or maybe I’m just anxious. My worst symptoms are intermittent fatigue and joint pain, chronic muscle pain and weakness. I also seem to have trouble exercising and building muscle and losing weight at all. Even with my TSH lower now. Even on a diet and on meds that suppress appetite.

Over the past 2-3 years I’ve also had dramatic hair loss and thinning, lightheadedness that feels concerning (at least to me), an increase in the frequency of my migraines, and I am now getting ice pick headaches. I also started getting what I would call a bug crawling feeling all of my skin at times, it isn’t constant and sometimes stays away for months but when it happens it keeps me up at night and will wake me from sleep. My mental health worsens dramatically at times. I have a lot of other stuff I deal with from frequent urination to poor eyesight in one eye but I honestly feel like I’m making too many doctor appointments.

Do I need to keep pushing about my Hashimoto’s? The on call doctor I saw said he would put in a referral to endocrinology if I felt my symptoms weren’t improving. Sorry for the long post…I’m just a mess.