Unprotected sex and antivirals

I’ve seen the rates and numbers but I’m curious… what have people experienced as far as successfully protecting others by taking anti-virals? AND having unprotected sex? I’ve disclosed to 2 guys, both of whom I have had very close and safe relationships with over the years, and I told them I take antivirals for my GHSV2. They were both super cool and accepting and understanding of the whole herpes thing in general. Both have still insisted on not only continuing to sleep together but also on not using condoms. Because they don’t like them and aren’t afraid to expose themselves. And know I take precautions on my end as far as the medication. They both seem very educated on the matter but I still feel bad. I care about both of them and want to protect them. But if they choose not to use condoms and are educated as well as know the risks…..? Do I really feel bad/worry