Questions about the Pulse wave arrhythmia analysis
Good day everyone,
I got a Huawei GT3 46mm last week on a fantastic deal through my medical aid (equivalent of about $113 USD) so obviously a deal I couldn’t refuse.
I came from an old Apple Watch Series 3 which started giving issues but I can’t pay apple prices for wearables for my use case. I do use an iPhone but wasn’t worried about any of the things that don’t work, as I never used them on the Apple Watch.
I turned on all the auto features. My concern is daily (apple watch was too old to read info like this so didn’t get notifications) with the pulse wave arrhythmia analysis. Everyday since I got it now (I sleep with it with sleep tracking) I wake up to notifications about risk of premature beats normally 2-3 times a night, and today woke up to risk of a-fib.
My question - how accurate are these tests? I am aware Huawei say to not use it as a medical device, however, are they accurate enough that I would need to go get an ECG at my doctor? It has me a bit concerned. I am 26 years old so should have a healthy heart with no concerns before.
Thank you!