Can we Balance Dum Dum (Bleed Ammo) on weapons like the Centi without making the Ammo Scarce?
Hey everyone, I personally and many of the people I have talked too in game disliked the scarce ammo system as it does not address the problem of the ammo types being strong. If you go against someone who has bleed on the centi whether before or after the scarce ammo change it does not change how powerful it is nor how frustrating it can be simply because the problem lies within the ammo type itself. In essence dum dum (Bleed) ammo simply provides more damage than normal ammo due to the first bleed tick being almost instant as well as the added pressure of the bleeding itself which is what makes the ammo so problematic.
Now onto a possible solution that can be done as I myself really like playing dum dum on the centi but agree that its too strong. I think the approach they did with high velocity ammo could be applied to dum dum in order to bring it back without it being as oppressive as it was before. Currently High Velocity bullets do less damage (I think around 5-10% less though I'm not 100% sure) as well as reduced ammo capacity which I believe could be applied to dum dum as a whole. Currently the centi does 123 damage and with high velo it does 116, I believe that if dum dum was made to do 116 instead of 123 this would solve many of the frustrations that it came with. Additionally the concept of reduced ammo could also be added to make missing shots with dum dum be more punishing than with normal ammo. This way dying to dum dum feels less unfair but still applies the pressure that bleeding ammo is supposed to provide.
This implantation would result in situations where a 125HP hunter (a hunter down a small bar) who got shot by a centi with bleed ammo would not die on the first tick of bleed which happens extremely fast as currently the 123 damage only gives you around a second before killing you which I am sure many of you can see the point of how that can frustrating to die to as it feels much more unfair. This concept would also apply to the new Maynard sniper rifle which has been a hot topic of late as the sniper does 144 with bleed ammo which results in similar situations as the one described above. If dum dum was reduced to lets say 137 damage on the mayanard it would still provide that pressure for whoever you hit to need to get stop what they are doing and get behind cover and fast to stop the bleeding, but it wouldn't have the level of unfairness and frustration that comes with dying within a second and in this system I could see dum dum ammo being able to be on this weapons and not being as frustrating to play against and give people like myself who really enjoy dum dum a chance to use them again. Curious to hear all your guys thoughts and feedback on this.