Gon was surprisingly mature than most people give him credit for in chimera ant
Yes Gon's action were hypocrite and childish and his tunnel vision with the hero worship and how he puts kite and ging to a high pedestal is wrong and it's a flaw that he did learn to overcome but Gon was...mature in handling the situation.
So, imagine you are with your big brother in woods when a maniac comes at you with a gun. Your sole existence is a hindrance to your big brother and so you have to escape so that your big brother(and you survive).
Am sure 99% of people will cry, they will cry for their own powerlessness that they couldn't help their big brother in that situation. But you cope with a somber feeling in your heart that your big brother is alright. You cope up with it and that's how Gon acted in the first half of Chimera ant arc. He copes with a feeling that kite is alright, there's a feeling that kite is alright.
Then you see your big brother in a near coma like situation and meets the maniac once again. He shows no remorse for what he did and threatens to kill you.
How would you react meeting your big brother's murderer in front of you mocking with no remorse? Surely you would charge right? That's what Gon did there too. He charged with a reckless abandonment.
Gon's action are a mix of maturity and childish behavior. Gon is surprisingly mature with his view but his childish worship of his idols and hypocrisy makes him such a great character lol.