r/Indiangaming 450K Giveaway
We hit 450k and in celebration i am doing a giveaway to 3 users for games upto 500rs per person.
Total Count of Probable Winners - 18
Eligibility conditions -
1) Reddit account has to be more than 3 months
2) No previous bans
3) Has less than 10 games in a steam profile which is also older than 3 months
This giveaway is for people (mostly students) who can't afford some games so the conditions. Just comment for a chance to win.
Giveaway will be during the steam spring sale in a week and winner will be picked by random raffle a week from now when sale starts. This might help you get more games during sale. Good luck everyone. If anyone else wants to contribute do mention here and send a dm to me or you can make another separate giveaway and i will keep adding it to the pool.
PS Ensure language rule is followed as comments not following it will be not eligible for entry.
Edit 1: Changed the criteria from 6 months to 3 months because of multiple requests. Also free games don't count to 10 game counter.
Edit 2: The following users have dmed me that they would like to participate too. Please thank them if possible. Winners will be awarded with highest prize to first draw and then next.
u/BhagwanComplex is adding to the pool 4 gift cards of 500rs each for 4 winners.
Anon is adding to the pool a game under 230 rs to one winner.
u/iamfriendwithpixel is adding to the pool a game upto 1500 rs for one lucky winner
u/Responsible_Belt5362 is adding to the pool a game upto 1500 rs for one lucky winner
u/dhowon123 is adding to the pool a game upto 300 rs for one winner
Anon is adding to the pool 2 gift cards of 500rs each for 2 winners.
u/R_I_C_K_Y is adding to the pool a gift card of 1000 rs for 4 lucky winners
u/ImPuLsErr is adding to the pool a game upto 1500 rs for one lucky winner