17F, still never dated anyone.

I know this is sort of a cliche post. But still, since I'm at that point where I have started feeling unlovable, here you go. I was in a girls' school till 10th grade. Even still, a lot of people around me were already in a relationship. It didn't really matter to me back then. Then I moved to a co-ed school in 11th grade. That's when it started. Everyone (no joke) around me was in a relationship or had been in a relationship before. And then there was me. Never held hands witha boy, spoken to a boy. And I know all that love yourself shit but it really gets tiring at one point and yes I started to wonder whether you're lovable or not and if something is wrong with you. Andthen comes the next obvious question: Am I ugly? Now, uptil 10th grade I was extremely confident about the way I looked. i liked dressing up. All my friends and relatives etc. called me pretty. But this 'lack of male attention in a completely male attention exposed space' (i know its so stupid) started getting to me. It started slowly. Then happened the canon event that every girl faces: someone said something that stays with you for the rest of your life. My mom said I had 'the legs of an elephant'. The way that affected me. I stopped eating. When I went to school I would avoid going out of my classroom so people wouldn't see me. Avoided leaving my house. Once when I did, I saw friends from my locality comingtowards me, I literally made a u turn and ran home. Every night I would cry and pray I'd just get prettier. So this was the kind of thing I was going through. That was the worst point in my life. I was extremely insecure around boys. I looked up advice but everything just sounded like free ka gyan. After many months of working on myself and deciding I should forget about this because it's eating me out i just ignored the feeling. And here I am. Everyone around me has dated atleast once and gets at least some attention. And it's hard not to question why. I am not fat. I am not dark skinned. I come second in my class. (I am not looking down on anyone. I know that these things don't matter. At least it doesn't to me. But you can argue that it does to other people. That is why I mentioned.) So what is the issue with me? If it's my personality what is wrong with it? And i have tons of genuine female friends (none very close though) so I don't know why my personality is appealing to them and not to guys.