I fukin love being an IITian

Whatever the other people say, I love being an IITian from an old-gen IIT. Wherever I go whether at a family function or a simply gathering I get treated with real respect, I low key enjoy the sight of envy in the eyes of uncles and aunties who used to compare me with their worthless son when I was in school performing below average damn how the tables have turned!

Finally, I see some respect in my father's eyes who also used to think that I was not destined to be an IITian.

I am a guy who used to be below average in school mocked by toppers and teachers. But now now! I am the one and only IITian from my batch(10th class) of school, the sweet revenge.

Also, roaming around in the market or a public place wearing the hoodie of IIT and getting all the eyes on you, the feeling is really good.

P.S: I am not saying that those who didn't make it to IIT are worthless or below IITians, I am just describing the immediate profound benefits of becoming an IITian.😇