Annie tells her story about how Heather Mcdonald behaved towards her in front of Jeff Lewis at the Countess Cabaret last year

Very interesting and exactly how I pictured it in my head. Heather doesn't seem to comprehend that when she treats people badly in front of people she would like to socialize with (like Heather Dubrow), they see what kind of person she is and keeps their distance from her because no one wants to be associated with that kind of toxicity. This is why JS can only get the bottom of the barrell guests at this point and why she can't sell tickets to her appearances anymore. Heather always plays the victim and blames Jeff Lewis since last year for her recent shortcomings while they're all clearly thanks to herself and no one else. To think that she apparently speaks about how she could see herself being considered for and become the next regular on "The View" is pure science fiction to me, to describe it as delusional doesn't even cut it :)