Unironically AD Leona Jungle is absolutely amazing.
It’s a really slow start, def not gonna get you to diamond. But if you get that first clear and grab some Bork items and cdr boots… it’s like a perma stun lock. I usually go thornmail since teams have been ad heavy but I just end up carrying with infinite cc chains and %hp damage. Triforce has worked well too for the sheen procs. The clear is pretty bad but a Tiamat probably belongs somewhere in there. But I’m my games I haven’t needed to compete for farm because my lanes are all so fed from me not only doing insanely fast cc but also surprising damage. I think I made a rengar rethink their life choices. Give it a shot, I went conq and sorc secondary runes and it’s been good. Why hasn’t anyone tried this? I keep getting S or higher and even on actual JG champs I don’t do that well???