We have turned arrogant, rude and egoistic.

Note: I have already deleted 4 drafts, because I feel very strongly about the topic and don't want to sugar coat my words. I am pretty skeptical to write further..

Let's put it for discussion and see what your thoughts are. Maybe that's better way of engagement.


Edit1: kashiri manz chu kandur ti arrogant, gour ti arrogant, bus conducter, maknik (Mechanic), Laenmeen (lineman), waze' (wasta rae's feor) , Puj (Special Mention), moeech (nothing against their job), professor, teacher wageera wageera.. Pate' gai Molvi,be wanene' kihn. temin mutalik aasi tohi zaydi ilmiyat .

If I miss anyone, I apologize..wini aasam waria...ooo Jkbank mulazim, khaas kar cashier...aaa DC Sobun orderly..

Eidt2: There is a word in kashmiri language which goed like "K'e". [keef, yay, te yey ke upar hamza]. I think k'e is the perfect word but it does not have an equivalent in the english language.; or any other language for that matter. Arrogance is the closest translation of the word which I wanted to use.