
Hello! My vintage store opened 3 years ago with the help of my parents. They were generous enough to lend me money for start up costs. It's been 3 years and our sales are slowly picking up, but I am constantly struggling with money. So much so, I even started a full-time job to cover my personal expenses.
Our expenses exceed our income. Mostly, it's payroll and I am unsure how to reduce these costs. I reached out to friends who have been in business to seek some guidance and financial advising. I started a loyalty campaign to keep customers engaged, I try my best to throw community events, weekly sales etc.

How can I generate more revenue? How can I make my business more profitable? Should I just give up and close up shop?
I am constantly stressed about money. I don't know what to do at this point and I don't know how to manage the stress that it is causing me. Any guidance would be great appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Edit: Sorry everyone, I am a wreck and can’t think clearly. I am not seeking pity or anything, I just feel like a failure. Thank you for all your suggestions.