If God was my neighbor
If God was my neighbor, I'd wake up at the crack of dawn, I would then go to his place and ask him why uncle Masharti used to touch my privates when I was little?
If God was my neighbor, I'd stop him everyday as he going to get his supper in boomtown, I would hold his shopping bag and ask him why he let teacher Odundo touch my breasts when I was 12, or wasn't I little?
If God was my neighbor, I'd visit him when he is watching his favorite series I guess it would be dusk till dawn, I'd pause the movie and ask him why Martin from form 3 east used to put his fingers up my dress, it was so kittle.
If God was my neighbor, I'd visit him carrying a bowl of prawn. I'd serve him with wine then as he eats I would ask him why the two boys I met in town smeared me with poop since I didn't have 200 kes, I'm so brittle.
If God was my neighbor, I'd join him as he mowes his lawn. I'd hug him and ask him why he let mum's friends put a blade between my legs, wasn't I too little?
If God was my neighbor, I'd chat with him when he wants to sleep, I wouldn't mind the yawns. I would ask him why after the cut I no longer feel anything between my legs no matter how Nyamani touches me?
If God was my neighbor, I'd wake him up with praise and worship and wash his face even if he yawns. I'd then ask him why mum suddenly stopped talking to everyone, at first I thought it was only me.
If God was my neighbor, I'd tease him and ask him for a loan. I'd then ask him why mum suddenly stopped walking and we had to carry her around? It did hurt me.
If God was neighbor, I'd ask for his gun and shoot around his lawn. When done I'd then ask him why mum instead of getting better got worse now she couldn't open her eyes. Poor me.
If God was my neighbor, I'd go to his place on Sunday and hope he is not gone. If he is, I'd wait for him and then ask him why dad called me at 1p.m telling me that mum was no more, How it could it be?