A stranger skinny shamed me and told me that my body "never developed" because i never had sex with a man.
I had a flight yesterday. The man sitting next to me was trying to have a chat. He asked about my age and when i answered he was so shocked and said i looked like a "little girl" and not a woman. Then he proceeded to ask if i'm a virgin to which i answered that i'm a lesbian and it's none of his business.
He then said "so that's why you're so small and skinny, your body never developed properly because you didn't have sex with a man yet". "When you sleep with a man, your breasts and butt grow bigger and you fill out more". I was in shock, i've been body shamed a lot in my life but never heard such words. I was wearing very baggy clothes anyway so it's not like he actually saw my body? I feel so horrible. He said i should have sex with a man as soon as i can or else i will never grow into a woman.