Is Madison lying about everything?

I am only on the second episode, so maybe some details will come out that change my suspicions.

When Madison said she was an artist, I was pretty excited to look at her work. I went to her Instagram and....nothing. No link to an artist shop, art page, etc. It's extremely unusual for someone that paints professionally. Online sales might not be the major driver for sales for artists, but very few will outright not have an online presence. If she planned on being on TV, it would make sense for her to sell her art to the viewers.

Then I thought about how she quit her corporate job to paint. This is something you usually need to have rich parents, especially if you're not already established. If her parents are rich, then everything she said would just outright be a lie.

Maybe I'm wrong and more clarification will come later, but something just seems off.

EDIT: I have since learned that her mom and step dad were addicts, but her bio dad had custody of her. Her story about having addict parents is true, but possibly exaggerated. She definitely does not make a living from art though.