Homeless and Alcoholics in Luxembourg
Hello, fellow redditors in Luxembourg,
I never thought I’d write a post like this, but I need to vent and ask for your thoughts. I’ve been living in Luxembourg for five years, and for the past 2.5 years, I’ve called an apartment in Beggen/Bereldange home.
Lately, though, things have taken a frustrating turn. Has anyone else noticed an increase in homeless people and alcoholics loitering in neighborhoods outside of Gare? I used to think this was a Gare-specific issue, but it seems to be spreading.
Take my building as an example. Over the past few months, I’ve seen people loitering outside the entrance, and on a few occasions, they’ve made their way inside. I’ve walked in to find people drinking and smoking in the entranceway, sitting right under the mailboxes as if it’s a public hangout spot.
And then there was that one day a month or two ago that I’ll never forget. I was rushing out to catch a bus and saw someone pooping right outside my building’s entrance (yes...I saw the full moon). That was just one of a few instances I’ve witnessed (and I’m guessing there might be even more). It’s honestly unsettling, and I don’t know how to process this.
So, here’s my question: Is anyone else experiencing this in their neighborhood, or is it just Beggen/Bereldange—or even maybe just my building?
I’m torn because I really like my apartment, but this situation is starting to bother me. Am I alone in noticing this?
Thanks for listening to me vent.