Haunted! Are there really Ghosts In The Machine?

I've had my 2017 F56 since it was new and this has never happened before.

I went into my garage for the first time today, and noticed that both windows and the moon roof were fully opened. The weather is freezing here and I have not driven with them that way for a while, certainly not on the single short drive I made when I was out yesterday.

I thought at first that someone had been in my garage, but nothing is missing from the car or garage, and both keys are still right where I keep them. Only my daughter and I live here, and neither of us got in the car or heard anything overnight.

One additional fact: The interior "net" covering the roof was still closed too. Not sure if that indicates anything or not.

I am at a loss to explain how the windows ended up down and the moon roof fully opened! It is a mystery I running out of explanations for. Ghosts? Spontaneous electrical weirdness?

Has anyone else had this happen to them?