Advice on Waking Up Mindfully
I'm fairly new to meditation and, generally speaking, am a pretty mindful laid back fellow, but I have a bad habit of starting the day off in a certain state of agitation. While usually my mind is relatively calm and clear, when I first wake up it's a torrent of thought. I was wondering if any of you have any suggestions on practices to stymie this a bit. For some reason it's tough for me to just view the thoughts as they are, so to speak. For a bit of context, I have been out of a job for a while and have mounting financial pressures, and I think that I'm truly good about putting these challenges into perspective, but, upon waking, my mind just goes through lists of things I need to do, people to contact, bills to pay, etc. I know a certain degree of this is perhaps inevitable but would love some advice from you all on how you all get your day off to a proper start.