Anyone else discriminated for being a long haired man?

Long haired men are dime a dozen in metsl, but outside of it they're looked down upon. I seemingly can't go a day without being told to cut my hair or misgendered. Even my closest friends have called me ugly over my hair. I've tried putting dry wax in and making it messier or wearing it straight, but the reactions are the same both ways. I've yet to try a manbun, but I've heard people call them "gay" too.

It's baffling that in 2025 prejudices like this still exist. I like women with longer hair, but I don't go up to women with short hair and tell them to grow it out. People are allowed to look how they want. I see my long hair as representative of my love of metal, plus headbanging is more fun with long hair.

This is all without mentioning office jobs that enact discriminatory hiring practices but favoring short haired men. Any other metalheads face these issues? Stay strong and don't give into the buzz cut requests 🤘