Living Like an Animal to Retire at 37(4 years from now)

Hey, I’m 33 years old, and I want to talk about some changes I made in my life to prepare for retirement. I want to share my story about how I’m on track to retire in just four years. Some of the things I’ll say may sound a bit extreme, and I’m not recommending anything, I’m just telling my story.


My background

I was born in Brazil into a lower-middle-class family. When I turned 18, I got a good start in my career as an Interface Designer. I worked for about three years and saved enough money to study English abroad. From there, I landed a job opportunity in the UAE, where I stayed for about six months until I received another offer to work in Japan. After that, I returned to my home country and joined a company where I’ve been working for the past 12 years.

When you grow up without money and suddenly start having access to it, along with international travel and other luxuries you're more likely to make terrible financial decisions due to a lack of financial education. That was my case. By the time I was about to turn 30, I had no retirement savings whatsoever. I was living paycheck to paycheck.

When reality kicks in

When we're young, we tend to believe we'll be healthy and have plenty of time to figure things out. But reality isn’t like that. In my 30s, I started experiencing severe anxiety. My mental health took a huge hit, and as I write this, I’m only able to work because I’m on antidepressants and sometimes benzos.

That’s when it hit me, working endlessly is not sustainable. And once I moved up to a higher position, I started feeling like if I ever lost my job, I wouldn’t be able to find another at the same level again.

The only way to cope with this fear was to build my retirement plan. Think about it how do you stop fearing losing your job or not being good enough? By not needing a job in the first place.

I started to live like an "animal"

With that goal in mind, I completely changed my lifestyle. I follow a simple rule: If I can live without it, I don’t need it.

I broke up with my girlfriend. I gave up my rented apartment and moved back in with my parents. Eating out became non-negotiable, I prep all my meals. I only buy basic, practical clothes. I limit socializing with friends to once a month. And to be honest, I don’t miss any of it because every time I look at my retirement account, I feel at peace.

Last month, for example:

  • 14% of my income went to paying off debt,
  • 75% went to my retirement fund,
  • 11% covered my living expenses.

I'm 4 years away from a comfortable retirement

Because of these changes, retirement is now a real possibility for me. In four years, I’ll be able to retire and enjoy financial security for the rest of my life. The way I’ve structured my investments, I can live off compound interest with enough margin to ensure my money keeps up with inflation. I’m not sure if I’ll want to work after that, but we’ll see.

I know some of my decisions seem extreme, leaving my girlfriend to save money, moving back in with my parents, etc. but I can rebuild those aspects of my life in four years. Some people might say, "But what if you die before then?" Honestly, I don’t care. I feel like work is a prison, and I just want to be free at all costs.

So if you're in your 20s or 30s, please start thinking about your retirement now. If I had started earlier, I’d be in an even better position today. Don’t waste a decade making dumb financial decisions like I did.