Are doctors panicking or am I ok?
I have had a miscarriage at 8 Weeks by size, 10 weeks by time.
I have a Small amount of retained products of conception (RPOC) As verified by an ultrasound after two weeks From the initial miscarriage.
I'm getting a lot of extreme advice from my Doctor Who has said I need to immediately take antibiotics and also have a surgically supported miscarriage, via a D and C.
I've had 4 miscarriages before, and I feel like I can trust my gut, which tells me maybe I'm actually fine, I don't have any infection because I have no symptoms of it and maybe I have options beyond an immediate surgery.
I have read on social media that some people are just advised to wait until the next period. This sounds much less invasive than surgery.
I would greatly appreciate advice from anyone who is gone through something similar.
I really want to do is get away for a few days and also have sex but doctors have advised against not being near a hospital.