Orzhov Sewers preparation for Spotlight Series Utrecht

I’m preparing for Spotlight Series Utrecht and would like to get on board with Orzhov Sewers. I’ve played different Orzhov Shells already (Wb Tokens, Eldrazi and Taxes, Eldrazi Processors) and have a slight grasp what the deck is capable of doing.

Although the deck has proven it’s power already, taking into account some Challenges Top 8 and paper results, the opinion regarding it’s power level differ wildly amongst players; some claim it to be a solid choice with good matchups, others are asking if it has any real good matchup.

My gut tells me, that the ramp (Eldrazi) and combo (Breach) are tough and the deck is a dog. I guess more fair decks like Dimir oculus and Boros Energy are manageable. I predict that amongst the most-played decks there will be Energy, Eldrazi and Breach and with some distinct distance Oculus and Orzhov Blink.

If I’m right, Blink won’t be in the best spot at all. Is it straight better to play something else? My go-to alternative would be RG Eldrazi Ramp.
