Married single mom, but the breadwinner. If you can even call it that.
I need to know if it’s time to run.
Married to husband for almost 5 years, together for 10.5 years. We have 2 children under 5 and I’m 3 months pregnant with our third unexpectedly, and high risk.
My husband lost his job almost a year ago and hasn’t been able to find anything since. I am barely making $22/hr and supporting us while he is “still looking” and he’s doing the childcare during the day. However, I’m in charge of fucking everything- making sure we get our SNAP and Medicaid, currently in a legal battle. We can’t afford our rent and I’m late on it every month.
I’ve tried talking to his parents, they can only do so much. My parents have been covering us financially as much as they can.
Every time I ask him why he hasn’t found anything yet it’s always the same. It’s the job market, blah blah blah. He doesn’t do anything fun with the kids like even taking them to the park or anything free.
I just feel like the mental load is entirely on me yet he’s the one with a fucking bachelors degree and I have a high school diploma. I don’t want to be working 40 hours a week while pregnant and he sits on his ass at home on my dime. It’s been almost a fucking year of this!!!!!!!
At what point do I call it quits? I come home miserable every single day. I’m tired of living in poverty, I can’t stand living like this anymore. I have so much shit I’d rather do with my life than subsidize this bullshit.