I came out to my entire family as trans this Christmas.
I came out to my entire family as trans this Christmas. I expected some of them to be a bit vocal about it, but instead, they were incredibly happy and supportive. Most of them even said they’d noticed something was up and that this “new me” really suits me. <3
I spent the whole day socializing and chatting with so many family members who were super curious about everything. I’m so grateful to have such a supportive family. <3 My chest actually hurts from all the hugs and squeezes I got throughout the day.
I was so nervous they might react negatively, but instead, everyone was just happy to see me finally being myself and genuinely happy for the first time in my life. They said it was amazing to see me smiling and so expressive. I honestly couldn’t be happier. <3
I was teary for most of Christmas, but they were tears of pure joy. Truly, it felt like a Christmas miracle.