Sad songs about being lonely

I'm looking for sad songs about loneliness but like not about a breakup or death or falling out or anything. I want songs that are about yearning for connection, whether romantic or platonic. It can be a song with a bigger meaning like depression and it can mention friends and family and stuff like the singer doesn't have to be completely alone it just has to be about being lonely and wanting more and it has to sound sad.

Most of the songs I was looking through were either just about being sad and not about needing someone else or they were upbeat songs. I'm looking for songs like Nobody by Mitski or To Die For by Sam Smith (doesn't have to be a well known singer but those were the only perfectly fitting songs I've found so far)

I'm willing to be a little lenient on the first thing about a loss of some sort but the song has to be primarily about yearning and not about the last person or whatever!!

If you know any songs like this please help!!