Does your narc weaponize prioritizing their "health," work, and families of origin as excuses to remain out of the home all the time?
After manipulating me into a long-distance move, covert narc wayward husband basically dropped me like a hot potato in a place where I knew no one and had zero support.
He spent thousands on gym equipment for our house that collected dust, and then he decided he needed a gym membership. Since we live in a semi-rural area, the nearest gym is 20 minutes away.
After his emotional affair with his subordinate at work started, he told me he needed to prioritize his health and leave every evening after work open for the gym, as well as weekends. In the end, he often didn't go, but I was to never expect him home, just in case he wanted to go. This was his excuse to completely check out of the marriage, and also to sit in the parking lot of the gym on his phone, sometimes for hours, when he actually went.
When he wasn't going the gym, he would haveto! work extra late (he's salaried...he did not haveto!), and also, he was too busy to send a 10-second text to tell me he would be late. And then, if the gym wasn't happening, and he didn't stay late at work/go in on the weekends, his sister needed him, and they'd have to go out on 8-hour-long dinner dates.
Basically, he arranged his life so he never had to be home. I was not to ask anything about his schedule, and I was not to contact him because he was "busy." He would manage to be home for a couple of hours every other week on the weekend to cut the lawn, though.
So, in the end, ever expecting him to come home, to be a partner, to even communicate the bare bones of his schedule was me being too demanding and too needy.
Did anyone else experience this with their narc? Even the most basic levels of consideration didn't exist, and they weaponized their "health," work, and family of origin to make sure they had plausible excuses to entirely check out of any responsibility around the home?
*Edited for typos.