Rhodiola Rosea the miracle drug

Does anyone else think of Rhodiola Rosea as a miracle drug?

I have a passion for everything on the topic of human optimization and of course have tried many nootropics and drugs of all kind. But this.. This herb seems to be my top 1. It beats everything else I have tried by a long shot. For me the effect is similar to LSD microdose, but without the psychedelic "side effects", mildly stimulating, increases cognitive function, improves mood and man it's amazing for physical performance .

I enjoy long distance running and can say that I perform at least 30% better when I take it. I can run further and faster, with much less of mental suffering.

I also honestly think it helped me to transform my mind from negative thinking in to a more positive. I feel it gives me a leverage to feel more positive about myself and my life.

All of that with minimal to no side effects.

I do find that it can mess with sleep because of the crazy energy it gives and also for me if I don't take pauses from taking it the effect gets too overbearing - I don't feel like myself on it anymore. So I do find cycling it is very important.

But all in all I'm totally in love with it and going to experiment with it further. Quality of product is key, however. I take Thorne brand and I love it.

What are your thoughts on it?