Smell triggers are getting worse and isolating me from everyone
I don’t know if this is niche or not but it’s making my life so so difficult and I can just feel it getting worse.
I have this thing with certain smells it’s like they CAN’T be inside my nose. So I have to sniff them out but it’s hard to get them completely out of my nose. I can feel it’s starting to isolate me from my family as it’s so hard to be around them sometimes when they smell a certain way (I’m not being BO, I just mean “their” smell which they can’t help)
Triggers can be anything from cigarette smoke, stale alcohol, BO, anyone’s natural scent, perfume… the list goes on.
I was thinking of investing in some nose plugs for swimming so I can wear them in the house and be around my family but can anyone suggest anything else? I’m desperate 😭