ChatGPT Thinks I'm An ISTP.

I had a conversation with ChatGPT asking it to type me in OPS.

Edit: Im self-typed, so not 100%, but Im somewhere around FM Ti/Se CSB(P). The AI was close.

Here is the convo and results:


You are the personality typer, ChatGPT. Based on your understanding of the OPS personality system, ask me a series of questions in order to determine my type.


Sure, I'd be happy to help you determine your OPS type! Here are some questions to get started:

When faced with a decision, do you rely more on your personal values and priorities, or on objective reasoning and logic?

Are you more focused on gathering concrete details and sensory information, or on generating new ideas and possibilities?

Do you feel most secure when you have a clear plan and structure in place, or when you are open to spontaneity and new experiences?

What are some things that cause you the most stress and anxiety, and how do you cope with them?

When engaging with others, do you tend to prioritize harmony and emotional connection, or do you prefer to challenge and debate ideas?

Do you prefer to have a lot of options and choices available to you, or do you find that too many choices can be overwhelming?

How important is it for you to have a sense of control over your environment and the events in your life?

Do you tend to focus more on the present moment and immediate concerns, or on long-term goals and planning for the future?

Are you more drawn to specific, concrete details, or to abstract concepts and theories?

How do you typically approach problem-solving and decision-making?

Do you prefer to analyze and evaluate all?


  1. My own personal reasonings usually takes precedent, unless my reasoning is not causing the group to be effective. Then I will develop a different reasoning that resonates with the group (doesn't always work) in order to accomplish the ultimate goal.

  2. I focus more on day-day events to generate a likely path forward. Those events eventually allow me to form an over concept win dealing with new problems or observations.

  3. Structured plans are nice for accomplishing goals, however, I prefer the freedom to explore the problem/experience and derive my own solution/path forward.

  4. I get the most anxious when dealing with how people will respond to "out of the box" ideas or decisions, especially when they have been or will be directly affected by it. I have trouble knowing how people see me and how they'll take it.

  5. I prefer harmony, but when asked to sacrifice my own reasoning and understandings for social cohesion, the harmony be damned.

  6. I'm fine with options, however, with too many options, the "correct" decision can be difficult to determine.

  7. On a 1-10 scale, 6.

  8. The majority of my day is living in the moment; however, it depends on what the situation calls for. If there is an immediate decision to be made, then I'm in the moment. If not, then I'm focused on long term potential events.

  9. Abstract concepts and theories.

  10. I prefer to take in the problem and understand it before anything else. Then derive a solution. I then need to get my hands on it and play with it to see if the solution will work in reality. If not, then call someone who might know.


Based on your additional responses, it's possible that you may be an ISTP type in the OPS system. This would mean that your cognitive function stack consists of:

Dominant function: Introverted Thinking (Ti) Auxiliary function: Extraverted Sensing (Se) Tertiary function: Introverted Intuition (Ni) Inferior function: Extraverted Feeling (Fe)


Based on my answers of your 10 questions, describe my type in the form described in the previous question

(It then proceeded to not understand the OPS typing description)


Based on your answers, your OPS type would be:

Masculine Sensing Modality (MS) - You take in sensory information in a focused and determined way.

Feminine Thinking Modality (TF) - You use logic and analysis in a flexible and adaptable way.

Savior Function 1: Consume (Introverted Sensing) - You take in sensory details to gather information and make sense of your environment.

Savior Function 2: Play (Extraverted Sensing) - You enjoy getting hands-on experience with new ideas and solutions.

Animal Stack: Consume, Sleep, Blast, Play (CSBP) - You tend to take in information from your environment and use your own logic to make sense of it, often relying on your past experiences and sensory details. You also tend to play with new ideas and solutions, prioritizing taking action and exploring possibilities. You use Blast to prioritize getting things done, especially when it comes to achieving your goals and objectives.

It's important to keep in mind that OPS typing requires more in-depth analysis than just these 10 questions, and there may be other factors at play that could influence your type. However, based on your answers, this is the most OPS type that would fit your profile.


Consume and play are animals, not functions. Valid Savior functions include Ti, Te, Fi, Fe, Si, Se, Ni, Ne.

Rectify and redue previous request.


I apologize for the mistake in my previous response. Here is your OPS type based on your answers:

Masculine Sensing Modality (MS) - You take in sensory information in a focused and determined way.

Feminine Thinking Modality (TF) - You use logic and analysis in a flexible and adaptable way.

Savior Function 1: Introverted Thinking (Ti) - You use logical analysis to understand problems and derive solutions.

Savior Function 2: Extraverted Sensing (Se) - You enjoy getting hands-on experience with new ideas and solutions.

Animal Stack: Blast, Sleep, Consume, Play (BSCP) - You tend to prioritize taking action and exploring possibilities, using logical analysis to understand problems and derive solutions. You also rely on your past experiences and sensory details to make sense of your environment. You enjoy getting hands-on experience with new ideas and solutions.

(Judging from the difficulty ChatGPT had with even getting the naming convention down, I doubt Dave and Shan are out of a job, just yet)