Banned for a Review
So I've been playing PokerStars VR for over a year now. Started playing because it was free and anyone who got a Oculus quest 2 started playing that game and it's a poker game so it's addicting. The game however crashes constantly it freezes you lose chips that you are in the game and you can spend real money on things and it will disappear. I finally got tired of it and I went to the reviews and as I'm reading the reviews I'm seeing some one star reviews and then I'm seeing people in one star reviews saying they got banned for posting one star reviews. I figured there was no way and that's not a thing that a company would do so I posted my one star review. Stating I know it's a free game however a lot of us playing pay money. And that a game should take responsibility for it not working and not blame the platform. Well it happened I got banned for leaving that review. Do I have proof I got banned for leaving the review? No, not really but I know for a fact they don't have proof of why they banned me. So now I'm here voicing my concerns does anyone else think that a game should be allowed just ban its users when they have a bad review? If so why? If not what can we do to stop games from doing this?