Lost hills flees new California

Kinda an idea of the brotherhood realizing they have no chance against the ncr so instead of going out they decide the flee.

Elder, with the election of Grant C Hayes and his reforms making the NCR army stronger along with his anti brotherhood rhetoric, it seems like our days are numbered and we need to prepare a contingency for when the NCR attacks lost hills.

A:"we can and will turn this around"

B:"We should try to negotiate"

C:"New California is all but lost, we must flee to a better position if we are to survive"

Status of the San Francisco chapter

A:"tell elder Francis to keep a low profile"

B:"San Francisco is no longer safe tell him to flee as well"

C:"it's up to him"

What to prioritize in our evacuation

A:"our military is what kept us and will continue to keep us safe"

B:"our engineers are vital in keeping the brotherhood running"

C:"we will not sacrifice our research and discoveries"

D:"take as much as we can"

Location of our new base.

A:"the Washington brotherhood will keep us safe"

B:"the cause have proven themselves loyal to the codex"

C:"patrolius has proven himself and his chapter capable"

D:"the eastern brotherhood will be our new cradle"

E:"the Midwest brotherhood have demonstrated they are loyal to the codex and capable"