A strange portal [Any Literacy] (Read Body)
Your OC found out about or discovered a strange black portal somewhere on their world and decided to check it out. Upon getting closer, they notice it has a sort of blue outline to it. At that moment, someone in weird, military like uniform dropping through it and hitting the floor, the portal closing straight after. It was obvious that the person was injured, as he stays on the ground and groans slightly.
Combat: may or may not happen, depends what your OC does.
Romance: Haven't fully decided his sensuality, but you can try.
No IDCs.
(Type "Portal" if you've read all this, and enjoy.)
Your OC found out about or discovered a strange black portal somewhere on their world and decided to check it out. Upon getting closer, they notice it has a sort of blue outline to it. At that moment, someone in weird, military like uniform dropping through it and hitting the floor, the portal closing straight after. It was obvious that the person was injured, as he stays on the ground and groans slightly.
Combat: may or may not happen, depends what your OC does.
Romance: Haven't fully decided his sensuality, but you can try.
No IDCs.
(Type "Portal" if you've read all this, and enjoy.)