Teen seeking Orthodoxy while being raised Roman Catholic

i’m currently a teenager still living with my parents and have been raised Roman Catholic. I wish to join the Eastern Orthodox church after research on the division of the Roman Catholic and Orthodox church and seeing the great discipline of the monks and people of the Eastern Orthodox Church. But this can’t be done for me at the moment, so until then I’m doing my best to follow the teachings of Orthodoxy and fulfilling my sacrament of confirmation. But one thing I have a question about is the fasting. I know it should be done every Wednesday and Friday, but how do I do this exactly? Do I stop eating at a certain time in the night, lets say for example 8 pm on Tuesday, and then eat at the same time again on Wednesday? Or would I not eat at all on Wednesday until Thursday? I know that the purpose is to honor Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and to be able to hear God’s voice during prayer, but I’m stuck on whether or not its just about the full 24 hours or whether its that whole day specifically. Sorry if I’m overcomplicating this, I’m just very interested in fasting regularly and want to make sure im doing this right. Thank you for reading and I’d appreciate any feedback!