Im done with Overwatch and you should be too
Edit: For people saying I was banned for being toxic, I wasn't, yes I think I was banned for no reason, I play this game with friends in a discord call, When I do join vc its for comp, I am only making callouts or making conversation, the only possible reason I can think of is that I curse alot. and you dont have to agree with all my opinions about the games downfall, thats what makes them personal opinions and not facts and im just venting because im angry and sad I have to leave my game. this is the one and only edit im gonna make, try not to be dicks im not trying to add my frustation with dealing with reddit's sarcastic condescending edgelords who just live to try and start an argument to the list of things that have frustated me today
My 7 year old account was banned earlier today, ive only been banned once once in my 6 years of playing in december of 2024 and in 2025 despite me having done nothing I have been permabanned. Before it was banned I was fed up with blizzard for ruining one of my favorite games with milking the consumers for every cent they can and the lack of updates, removing alot of what felt fun about the gun I.e. lootboxes, level borders, lore about characters, and engaging events. Now I am definitly done with this game, I am not giving blizzard any more money or support, I know one person is just a drop in the ocean for a massive gaming company but I hope other people realize what I did and follow suit, fuck you blizzard, for a complete disregard of your comsumers and former loyal fanboys such as I, The day that your company dies cannot come soon enough