Immune system - has to be the cause

After alot of self experimentation and study, I have come to my own conclusion that this is the immune system (Influx of people who are going to disagree with me). I am well educated, a doctor, studied neuroscience etc. I am not just throwing things out to the wind. I know this theorys been floated around but everyone goes back to serotonin desensitisation, even though it affects finasteride users and accutane. I am also nearly cured and I had no progress and complete numbness before any interventions I tried.

It came together when I realised that last time when I unknowingly had pssd, my cure was preceded by a very bad bout of gastroenteritis/norovirus

Everything mentioned on here that improves people is involved in weakening the immune system: alcohol, poor sleep, steroids General anaesthesia (can affect the immune system, which can lead to an increased risk of infection)

Cyproheptadine/promethazine (both are in many studies as immunosuppressants - they obviously haven't been studied in this precise context but I have access to many journals which talk about this)

Ginger and vitamin d both boost the immune system.

It explains windows (your body might be fighting a virus, how would you know)

70% of the immune system resides in the gut.

How would everyone have body wide symptoms that can fluctuate - your densensitized receptors come back to life for a few days? Don't think so.

My best window ever when I was completely cured of genital anaesthesia was after 2 months of cyproheptadine + promethazine and then a heavy night of alcohol. It sustained for a week and then I had a pill of ginger as I didn't realise it crashed people and it went.

People mentioned worsening with each crash = heightening the immune response.

I used to get really unwell with flu or something every winter at least 3 times, I've not got ill since pssd

I've once reacted very badly and crashed to salbutamol - guess what it does (boosts the immune system)

Finally and most importantly - anabolic steroids at supraphysiological doses weakens the immune system which is sustained post cycle. What's led to the most cures? Please note trt does not have this effect. Needs to be supraphysiological

So many people on here have tried cyproheptadine, said they've "crashed" because they feel temporarily worse whilst on it which is not the definition of a crash. One cycle of taking it I felt better instantly but after a ginger tablet and an actual crash, when i took it again it took a few days to start working. It reliably cures me after crashes as well as a steroid cycle (which I only did a few weeks of and am about to start a 12 week full cycle). Sadly my system is still vulnerable and I crashed to both ginger and vitamin d (initially helped but then after a month I crashed).