I jinxed my own fate
A couple of weeks ago, I posted that I’d caught the rtb completely by accident and quite easily…
and now I’ve completely jinxed myself!!
I’ve spent 5 smoke candles, 3 buzzy jars, 1 honey lure, and multiple sneaky smoke bombs on trying to catch the duskwing butterfly, but remain butterfly-less! I am convinced this is a punishment for humble bragging about the rtb (hahaha) but seriously… any tips?
From, a girl who desperately wishes she hadn’t upset the rng gods
EDIT: UPDATE After using 4 honey lures with a lovely player (The Stinky Barfbag, thank you!!) who offered to help me, we caught over 200 common blue butterflies each… but still no duskwing! And then today, within 2 minutes of me walking back from the maji market, I caught one super easily?! I will never understand how these things work haha