School lunch anxiety spiralling

Nearly 6 year old daughter is highly sensitive and a picky, slow eater.

She started developing anxiety about lunch time near the end of last year. She asked to switch to packed lunches.

This year it has spiraled.

She wants the same pasta every single day

She wants the portion size to be really small. Literally 2-3 tablespoons of macaroni. And she doesn't even finish that. I assure her I won't be angry if she doesn't finish her food and she can just eat what she feels like but she gets overly emotional and cries if there is more pasta in the container.

At first her eating very little at lunch time was not too big a deal because she always had a very big breakfast. (Toast, eggs, fruit etc). She said I'm just not hungry at lunch. And she would eat alot when she got home from school.

But now she is so anxious about going to school because of lunch time that she doesn't even eat breakfast.

She's not eating breakfast or lunch, and naturally it is really affecting her mood, behavior, and energy levels.

I've talked to her about her worries. She says the lunch room is too loud, and she gets worried when the lunch lady asks her to eat more.

Her teacher has been really helpful. She lets her eat with her in a separate quiet room. But it still hasn't resolved the issues and over time it's getting worse.

She starts getting worried about going to school the night before. And she is always crying at drop off.

I'm just really worried because her not eating is really affecting her physical and emotional wellbeing.

What can I do to help her overcome her fears?