Are rental properties worth the risk as a young person?
I'm 25, just started my career job and will be making ~$100,000 soon. I have approximately 20k in student loan debt at 2.5%, and about 8k debt in vehicle payments. I live with my parents and give them $500 a month to cover my share of expenses. My job allows practically unlimited overtime so I plan on selling my soul for the next few years to save up as much as I can.
I live in the GTA, and was considering buying a condo within an hour from work in the next few years, possibly preconstruction for myself to live in. But given that I have a stable place to live for the forseeable future, I was considering using the condo, or a duplex/townhome purchase, as a rental property for some passive income and to try and help build some equity as a young guy.
I've heard a lot of anecdotal stories from people who rent about tenants trashing homes and not paying, and taking 12+ months to evict through the LTB, and leaving tens of thousands of dollars worth of damage.
With interest rates as high as they are as well, would you still consider rental properties good investment? Some have suggested using a property manager to help vet potential renters to minimize risk as well.
Any anecdotes, advice, or tips would be greatly appreciated!