Pet store dove question

The mall I went to had a pet store with little diamond doves for sale. They were all very small and sitting on the bottom of the display not moving, so I think they're just babies. Would it be unethical to buy one? (Not on impulse/without research and preperation or anything of course, just a genuine question) I'm planning to adopt one from my local shelter already, but these guys are in such a sad empty space that I want to bring one home, although I understand it would just end up contributing to the pet trade and not solve any problems regardless of my intentions. Maybe I'm being too naive?

Pic attached, they're very adorable little guys.

The mall I went to had a pet store with little diamond doves for sale. They were all very small and sitting on the bottom of the display not moving, so I think they're just babies. Would it be unethical to buy one? (Not on impulse/without research and preperation or anything of course, just a genuine question) I'm planning to adopt one from my local shelter already, but these guys are in such a sad empty space that I want to bring one home, although I understand it would just end up contributing to the pet trade and not solve any problems regardless of my intentions. Maybe I'm being too naive?

Pic attached, they're very adorable little guys.